Why Big Data Matters

I have been working in technology and in close touch with the field for more than 15 years. Many of the meetings I used to have were with other technologists – Chief Information Officers, Chief Security Officers and, of course, Chief Technology Officers.

Big Data has changed this. Now, I meet with more and more people who are non-technical. Business people are trying to understand how to figure out and apply Big Data and Big Data Analytics in the context of their own world to drive business value.

For example, I’ve met with Chief Marketing Officers to discuss how to best gather and analyze all the social media and customer service data related to their brands. They are overwhelmed by the volume, the variety of data sources and the challenges imposed by data that comes in natural language format. And they are looking for help on how they can best execute on this new field they call “Online Brand Reputation Management.”

I have also met with Chief Financial Officers who are looking to leverage Big Data to find micro optimizations on operational transactions across their businesses. And with Chief Strategy Officers on how to use Customer Service information to refine existing service offerings or create completely new ones.

The opportunities Big Data provides to businesses are endless!

Why Big Data Matters is the latest edition in our Big Ideas Video Series which aims to bring complex concepts to life through animation. Watch the video to see how Big Data can change business strategy, and transform the way we work and live.

About the Author: Patricia Florissi

Patricia Florissi, Ph.D., is vice president and global CTO for sales and a distinguished engineer for Dell EMC.