• Measuring digital transformation progress around the world


    Accelerate your business outcomes with three technology transformation initiatives

    Organizations who increase agility with flexible IT, enable digital working and learning
    environments, and accelerate innovation with data will gain competitive advantages.

    Intel® Innovation Yerleşik
    • Drive results with three key technology initiatives

      • Accelerating these initiatives drives results

      • 45%

        more revenue through innovative channels

      • 2.9x

        more likely to exceed their customer satisfaction goals

      • 3.2x

        more likely to see IT as a competitive differentiator

      • However, few organizations are confident they can adapt and thrive

      • 33%

        of the market is very confident they deliver the technology experience needed to adapt and thrive through disruptions.

    • Organizations have work to do

      Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) surveyed 2,000 IT leaders across 12 countries on their adoption of
      the three key initiatives and scored their maturity as Reacting (low maturity), Evaluating (moderate
      maturity), and Accelerating (high maturity).

    • Data Novices
    • 8%
    • High maturity across all three technology transformations
    • Data Technicians
    • 26%
    • Moderate maturity across all three technology transformations or a mix of strengths and weaknesses
    • Data Enthusiasts
    • 66%
    • Low maturity across all three technology transformations

      Organizations achieve results with flexible IT

    • How to become a Flexible IT Accelerator

      To become a Flexible IT Accelerator, organizations need to adopt both technologies and a mindset that promote as-a-Service consumption models for on-premises IT. Utilizing multicloud flexibility, workloads can be placed in the right cloud environment based on desired outcomes and requirements.

      Deep dive into ESG’s study to understand whether, and to what degree, a successful organization’s adoption of technologies and processes that enable flexible IT correlate to business benefits.


      How to become a Flexible IT Accelerator

      Organizations must deliver seamless hybrid work environments

    • How to accelerate a Digital Workplace Delivery

      To become a Digital Workplace Accelerator, organizations need to prioritize deployment of intelligent user devices and their management for optimal experiences and reliability. Utilize automated provisioning and management to reduce human error, free up administrator time, and resolve complex issues faster. All your endpoints, data and infrastructure across your digital workplace need the highest protection and security.


      Accelerating data innovation to unlock value

    • How to accelerate innovation with data

      To become a Data Innovation Accelerator, organizations need a strong data management foundation to integrate and optimize the flow of data throughout the organization for intelligent analysis. AI/ML technology implementation will effectively scale operations to take organizational decision-making beyond human scale and manage the growing volume, variety and velocity of data.

      Understand the degree of an organization’s adoption of technologies and processes to optimize data innovation are correlated to business benefits like leveraging data to increase revenue and lowering costs.

    • Dell Technologies will stop at nothing to help you achieve your technology acceleration goals

      Enacting a holistic Technology Acceleration strategy across all three transformations can be challenging, but the payoff is clear. Dell Technologies is your trusted, end-to-end partner, here to help you increase IT flexibility, deliver a winning digital workplace, and create new value by innovating with data. We’ll stop at nothing to guide your success.