2013 Global IT Trust Curve Survey: The Impact On Today’s IT Decision Makers


Today, EMC and RSA announced the results of the first-ever Global IT Trust Curve Survey. Through a survey of 3,200 IT and business decision-makers in 16 different countries and 10 industry sectors, EMC took the pulse of C-suite audiences and their awareness and opinions of EMC Trust IT — Advanced Security, Continuous Availability and Backup & Recovery.

One fascinating insight within the survey revealed how the lack of secured and trusted IT can negatively affect an enterprise’s bottom line. In addition to the 27% of IT respondents reporting being victims of a data breach within the past 12 months, global respondents reported average annual financial losses of more than $860,000, $585,000 and $497,000 due to security breaches, data loss and downtime, respectively. The result? Decrease in employee productivity (45% of respondents), loss of revenue (39%), loss of customer confidence/loyalty (32%) and loss of incremental business opportunity (27%).

Trusted IT positively safeguards against those losses, as 53% of respondents in the Leader segment reported data recovery within minutes of an incident. One theme extracted from the survey found that the greater an enterprise matures with Trusted IT, the more often it avoids – or faster it recovers from – disruptive incidents that can negatively affect security, productivity and performance.

For further perspective on Trusted IT and what it means to your IT organization, we encourage you to view the following videos from EMC Chief Security Officer Dave Martin and Chief Risk Officer Irina Simmons.

Dave Martin:

Irina Simmons:

What do you think of the survey results?

About the Author: Dell Technologies