Countdown to ESC Boston

Below is a post from Sarah Mercer who is a Program Lead on Dell OEM Group had a few words to say about the upcoming Embeeded Systems Conference (ESC)  in Boston. Here's her post:

Kicking things off this week, the team is getting pumped up about going to Boston to see what's cooking in the design engineering space.  I am expecting to see and hear about the latest and greatest (or should I say the smallest and fastest) products that these great minds are working on.  Because the show's in Boston, I'm assuming that there will be a lot of buzz around the medical and life sciences space.  Some of the IP in this industry is mind-blowing-I'm especially interested in catching the keynote from Hugh Herr.  He's going to be talking about the newest developments in the prosthetics market and pushing the envelope in this biotechnology.  Other must-sees for a Geek-wannabie like me include the"Embeddie Awards"-VDC Research is handing out awards to "the best of" software and hardware

And of course-The panel discussion "Using Twitter in the Embedded Marketplace" featuring the Twitter dream team-@patrickhopper, @geek8ive, @adrianvalpal, @Chris_Gammell, and me, @SarahMatDell.  We're going to be talking about what twitter is, what it means to both marketers and engineers alike, and how our companies are using the tool to enhance experiences with customers and community members.  Here's a sneak peak-TWITTER IS NOT GOING AWAY.  Twitter grew 1400% last year and today we are seeing 50 million tweets a day-an average of 600 per second.  My background is in Mass Communication where we learned to KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid.  Who knows, maybe 140 characters will become the new KISS of the 2010s.

I also have to plug my colleague Josh Neland who is holding a classroom session on remote management in industrial PCs and DMTF standards.  This should be an interesting topic for anyone who is challenged with managing multiple deployments within an industrial automation environment.

Finally, I'm most excited about getting my feet on the ground and talking to the great minds that are taking PCs and technology and applying it in new ways that we haven't seen before.  Please come by the Dell booth (#501) and let us know what you are working on-who knows, maybe you'll get a spotlight tweet!  We'll be giving away a Dell Inspiron Mini 10 Netbook at the end of the show.  We're also throwing an event for the attendee's at the Poe's Kitchen at the Rattlesnake on Tuesday night.  If you would like to grab a bite and beverage and chat it up with us, you can RSVP here.

I look forward to meeting you at ESC and follow me on Twitter for the latest buzz at the show.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca