Reading tip: Modern Infrastructure For Dummies

Digital transformation is proving a huge challenge to all businesses. Flexibility is a must, working processes have to be modernised and the Customer is King at every turn. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and in order to remain competitive, both work-processes and IT infrastructures have to be adapted to meet the new conditions.

The processes around business transformation are complex and require expertise. If the right know-how is not in place, any attempt at modernising can easily go off the rail. And in a technologically complex age, having the requisite IT infrastructure is one of the greatest must-haves of all, but can easily become one of the costliest as well as most complicated.

That’s why we at Dell want to make your life a little easier. With the Dell Modern Infrastructure For Dummies-guide in your back-pocket, you are better equipped to face the challenges of IT-restructuring. The guide provides you with a complete overview over processes, things to consider, where to start and the different solutions for digitalisation and complete IT infrastructure overhaul.

In this easy-to-understand guide, Lawrence C Miller, a seasoned systems administration and information security professional, takes you through every step of the process, from what challenges businesses today face, understanding storage infrastructure and the all-encompassing new data protection regulations, to breaking down Dell’s data solutions. His compact and yet comprehensive approach leaves no stone unturned in aiding you through the maze that lies ahead, even providing you with a ten-question kit to assess just how ripe your business is for renewal. After all, every business is unique.

And the best of all? It is free. Not many things are free these days, but Dell are happy to present you with the Dell Modern Infrastructure For Dummies-guide as an entirely free download.

About the Author: Dell Technologies