

復興から現実へ: 持続可能な経済成長をもたらすテクノロジーの役割


危機の中で過ごしてきたこの1年半に私たちは、より良い復興を実現し、より回復力があり持続可能な社会に向けた基礎づくりをしてきました。今、復興は設計の段階からより意欲的でテクノロジー主導な現実へと移行できる段階に来ています。国際的な景気刺激策(*1)から、世界銀行が新たに発表した「グローバル ヘルス セキュリティー ファンド(世界健康安全保障基金)」の設立計画に至るまで、復興へ向けた大規模な取り組みが、政府の枠を超えて進められています。


仮想デスクトップやビデオ会議の導入から病院や銀行でのより高度なデータ処理まで、約2年の間に、ビジネスを維持するための実用的なイノベーションが行われました。一方、クラウド技術やAI、機械学習への投資により、全産業が市民や顧客、サービス利用者とより迅速に、より親しみを持ってコミュニケーションできるようになったほか、これまで金銭的にも時間的にも負担となっていた多様なバックエンド プロセスが自動化されています。





パンデミックの中、テクノロジーは可能性に満ちており、社会の発展における中心的な役割を果たすことがすでに実証されました。テクノロジーは、いくつもの山と谷を乗り越えながら、市民のつながりを保ち、ワクチン研究を活性化し、医療を強化し、教育を維持してきました。しかし、5Gのスピードとビッグデータの爆発的な増加をサポートするテクノロジーの革命と軌を一にする形で、私たちが新たな章を迎える中、デジタル テクノロジーの役割はさらに大きくなっています。

復興を超えて新たな現実に立ち向かっていく中で、テクノロジーは私たちを支えるだけではありません。危機的な状況下でイノベーションに投資した企業は、回復期に同業他社を凌駕します(*4)。新しいテクノロジーに投資する業界のリーダーは、生産性をさらに大きく高め、後から導入した企業よりも優位に立つことができます(*5)。私たちは、テクノロジーが復興を支え、リモート機能によってあらゆるタイプのビジネスを強化し、セクターを超えたリアルタイムの洞察を提供し、よりインパクトのあるデジタル トランスフォーメーション(DX)を可能にすることを知っています。堅牢なデジタル インフラストラクチャーこそが、今日高い信頼性のデータ管理およびサイバー セキュリティーを確立し、競争力を維持している企業の基盤となっています。

すぐ目の前の将来において、テクノロジーは、私たちを1つ上のレベルへとステップアップさせ、あらためて私たちが、生き方、つながり方、健康でいるための環境を見直すためのサポートをしてくれるでしょう。また、市民と政府の関係を変革し、学校でのブレンド型学習のパーソナライゼーションを実現し、患者を中心に置いたケアプランの実現を促進するでしょう。 企業は、真に革新的なサービスを提供し、新しい5Gの速度、AIによる洞察、エッジ コンピューティング機能によって、消費者に未知の体験を提供することになるでしょう。

ただし、目の前にある課題の複雑さは、決して軽視できるものではありません。現在進行形の課題が、世界中の経済を揺るがし、データの規模が爆発的に増大する中で、企業は、自らのデータ パラドックスと格闘しています。これはZB(ゼタバイト)時代に到来する課題の序の口にすぎません。第4次産業革命の波に乗ってチャンスをつかむためには、これらの課題を今すぐ解決する必要があります。これが、持続可能な進歩のためには継続的なコラボレーションが必要不可欠な要素である理由です。官民の最高の英知を結集し、新しい現実を加速させることにより、誰もが有意義で持続可能な恩恵を確実に享受できる環境を実現できます。




*1. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-vp-harris-announce-10-bln-global-fund-prepare-future-pandemics-2021-09-22/
*2. https://www.oecd.org/economic-outlook/
*3. https://www.oecd.org/economic-outlook/
*4. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/innovation-in-a-crisis-why-it-is-more-critical-than-ever
*5. http://reports.weforum.org/digital-transformation/files/2018/05/201805-DTI-Maximizing-the-Return-on-Digital-Investments.pdf

From Recovery to Reality: How Technology Is Driving Sustainable Economic Growth

COVID-19 presented the world with an unprecedented set of challenges. It required the brightest minds and the smartest technologies to ensure we not only live our lives to the fullest possible extent amid various forms of lockdowns – but that we emerge stronger as a global society once the worst of the pandemic is finally behind us.

After 18-months of crisis navigation and laying the groundwork to build back better, more resilient, and sustainable societies – we are now well positioned to transition from designs of recovery, to an ambitious, tech-driven reality. From international stimulus funds(*1), to newly unveiled plans for the creation of a ‘Global Health Security Fund’ by the World Bank, this cross-governmental commitment to recovery is seismic.

According to the OECD, global economic growth is expected to be 5.7% this year, a sharp upwards revision from the December 2020 Economic Outlook projection of 4.2% for 2021(*2). This optimism is, in part, driven by the global rollout of vaccines. However, it is more than that. Businesses around the world have adapted, becoming more efficient and technologically savvy in this period.

Adapting to accelerate new realities
Practical innovations that kept businesses afloat over the best part of almost two years, ranged from the embracing of virtual desktops and video conferencing, to more advanced data processing within our hospitals and banks. Meanwhile, investments into cloud-based technologies, as well as AI and machine learning, are allowing entire industries to communicate with citizens, customers, and service-users in a faster, more personable fashion, whilst also automating various back-end processes that previously may have been both a financial and time drain.

While prospects are improving, progress globally remains uneven and highly dependent on the far-reaching rollout of effective vaccination campaigns – as well as continued, targeted government stimulus packages. It took only 18 months for the USA and Korea to reach pre-pandemic per capita income levels, while much of Europe is on track to recover by the end of the year, or early 2022(*3). For other regions, recovery is looking slower. South Africa, for example, is not projected to fully recover until the end of 2024, while Argentina may have to wait until beyond 2025.

As progress continues across large parts of the globe, ensuring that the recovery benefits everyone, everywhere is critical to making it truly sustainable. To truly flourish once more and make today and tomorrow’s realities more vibrant and efficient than before, we must continue to focus on sustainable, tech-driven, and human-centered solutions that help to bridge socio-economic divides.

Collaborating for the greater good
Next year will bring increased vaccine sharing as governments further address the reality that recovery from the pandemic needs to be truly global. Shortly, COP26 will present a major moment for international cooperation, allowing us to showcase our ability to think strategically and work together to respond to global climate challenges. This will be incredibly important as over the next year, key events from G7 meetings to the UN General Assembly will present us with opportunities to share lessons on how to boost recovery.

Globally, governments have paved the way for recovery by investing in stimulus spending. The next step in our recovery is to ensure these funds are used to their fullest: to ensure that our way of living, learning, and working is as green, globally minded, and digital as possible.

Technology has already shown its potential and centrality to societal progress during the pandemic era, keeping citizens connected, powering vaccine research, enhancing healthcare, and sustaining education throughout the peaks and troughs. But as we enter a new chapter – coinciding with the technology revolution that promises an explosion in big data with 5G speeds – digital tech has an even greater role to play.

Tech to continue as the great enabler
Moving beyond recovery and settling into a new reality, technology will do more than sustain us. Companies that invest in innovation during a time of crisis outperform their peers during the recovery(*4). Industry leaders can achieve even greater productivity increases from investments in new technology, pushing them ahead of later adopters(*5). We know that technology underpins our resilience, reinforcing all kinds of businesses with remote capabilities, providing real-time insights across sectors, and enabling more impactful digital transformations. Robust digital infrastructures are the foundation for those organizations that remain competitive today, confident in their data management, and cybersecurity practices.

Tomorrow, technology will take us a step further – helping us to reimagine the way we live, how we connect and stay healthy. It will transform the relationship between citizens and governments, personalize blended learning in schools and put patients at the heart of their care plans. Businesses will provide services that are truly innovative, giving consumers experiences they don’t yet know they desire thanks to new 5G speeds, AI-powered insights, and Edge computing capabilities.

Overcoming data challenges together
But the complexities of the task at hand should not be understated. Ongoing challenges are buffeting economies around the world and organisations are wrestling with their own data paradoxes, as the sheer scale of data explodes. This is just a taste of what is to come in the zettabyte era – and capturing the opportunities on the crest of the 4th Industrial revolution means solving these challenges, now. That is why collaboration continues to be an essential ingredient for sustainable progress. Bringing together the brightest sparks from the private and public sectors to turbocharge our new reality is key to ensuring everyone benefits – and that those benefits are meaningful and sustainable.

It takes an entire ecosystem to generate momentum, whether that’s creating vaccines for future pandemics, restructuring for a data-centric enterprise, or facilitating the growth of the digital economy. None of these can be done in isolation and without the close collaboration already underway between governments, tech experts and key organizational stakeholders, we could not have achieved the level of recovery already experienced.

As the world continues to gain momentum with the move beyond recovery towards our next reality, similarly collaborative approaches should become the new norm – redefining progress with a fresh collectivism. A better reality is one that is inclusive, sustainable, and built for everyone. Technology is the vehicle transporting us there now, and as we look towards 2022 and beyond.

There’s a long road ahead, but we have the route planned out – we just need to make sure there’s room for everyone on board.

*1. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-vp-harris-announce-10-bln-global-fund-prepare-future-pandemics-2021-09-22/
*2. https://www.oecd.org/economic-outlook/
*3. https://www.oecd.org/economic-outlook/
*4. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/innovation-in-a-crisis-why-it-is-more-critical-than-ever
*5. http://reports.weforum.org/digital-transformation/files/2018/05/201805-DTI-Maximizing-the-Return-on-Digital-Investments.pdf