What is Your Work-Life Balance Story?

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I ask this question because everyone’s is different. Working remotely since 2011, I have come to the realization that each one of us has a unique work-life situation that really shapes and impacts our lives.

Dell laptop at home in a living room

With the ongoing growth of technology, social media and constant access to information and news, careers and work have become one for many people. A typical day for me includes early international phone calls, 1 on 1’s with individuals across the globe, fitting in a work out with my trainer or a yoga class, working on a presentation or speaking with a vendor, switching out a load of laundry, preparing dinner and joining an evening call with another colleague in Asia.

Because of this, separating career and personal life has become quite complicated.

According to Glassdoor, work-life balance sentiment is suffering across the board – most industries are rating work-life balance lower today than in the recent past. However, Dell’s work-life balance scores are improving.

At Dell, we have a robust program that assists our employees with this challenge. Conexus, our Connected Workplace Employee Resource Group (ERG),  supports our remote or flexible workers and organizes live, virtual events designed to facilitate networking, connecting with others and, more importantly, sharing tips and best practices on the art of working in a flexible arrangement.

Our Global Connected Workplace Program Lead, Mohammed Chahdi, shared his thoughts in his recent blog post, “Our program enables us to focus on supporting our customers in ways we couldn’t have imagined possible before, without compromising the life choices or well-being of our team members.”

We also see positive results in our annual employee survey, Tell Dell. Our Net Promoter Score (NPS) for employees who work remotely is 24 percent higher for recommending Dell as a great place to work, and 21 percent higher for recommending Dell products and services to friends.

We have also received accolades in the marketplace which speak volumes to the effort we invest into this program. We know our efforts are working and our employees (as well as customers) are reaping the benefits.

How does your organization support your work-life balance needs?

About the Author: Jennifer Newbill

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