Weekly Recap 4-30-08

This past week, the IdeaStorm community received updates on several support-related suggestions. Kay_s posted a fairly candid response to how we have improved our chat wait times. Also, andrea_l, the DellConnect program manager, weighed in on several DellConnect ideas talking about what we offer, downloading, optimization and pre-installation (launching May 1).

We've seen a bunch of IdeaStormers on Twitter over the past several weeks. So, for all tweeting, you can follow the most recent IdeaStorm ideas http://twitter.com/IdeaStorm and all our Ideas in Action updates http://twitter.com/IdeaStormAction via Twitter.

In the world of online news, IdeaStorm was called out as a "good first step" in incorporating Web 2.0 technology beyond blogs and wikis (Who Are The Web 2.5 Winners?).

It's been almost two months since we started the Weekly Recap. Let us know what else you would like to read about.

About the Author: Kara Krautter