We Know AI Because We’re Living AI

Dell's AI breakthrough happened when we shifted our business to support AI, rather than using AI to support our existing business model.

Eighty five percent of the world’s enterprises will adopt artificial intelligence (AI) by 2026, according to IDC. Despite enormous growth, the full potential of AI has yet to be realized. A survey found that almost 90% of the AI models built are not operationalized.

Many organizations still treat AI like a one and done solution rather than a strategy driver. A team uses AI to solve a single use case, another team might use different tools to solve their use case. For AI to succeed at scale, organizations must adapt business strategies, IT infrastructure, risk mitigation, and development methodologies for a world that moves at AI speed.

At Dell Technologies, we went through the same repetitive process until we decided to find a better way. We realized that we already had the right infrastructure and team members to deliver AI. Resources were not the problem, it was our mindset. The breakthrough happened when we shifted the way we operated our business to support AI, rather than using AI to support our existing business model.

Three-part AI strategy

Marvin Minsky, co-founder of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AI laboratory, once said, “you don’t understand anything until you learn it more than one way.”

Like many of our customers, we were early adopters of AI. But after some early productivity gains and cost reductions, we lost some momentum. Real ROI happened when we began to embed AI into every facet of our business strategy. As we moved along this AI journey, we realized that the very strategies that were helping us build superior products, improve efficiency among our employees, gain better visibility into our supply chains and increase competitive advantage in the marketplace could be used to help our customers achieve their own goals.

Dell Technologies has developed and executed an AI strategy around three technical pillars.

AI in: We embed AI into our products to help improve performance and customer experience. Tasks need fewer clicks to complete and systems can dynamically predict requests. For instance, embedded AI can detect issues and request service before equipment fails.

AI on: Dell Technologies’ portfolio of products and solutions optimize the AI life cycle. Seamless data movement between compute and accelerators maximizes workload productivity. The faster the right data can be accessed and acted on, the more efficient and valuable AI becomes.

AI for: A funny thing happens when AI is fully integrated into a process. We start taking the AI that is making our lives easier, better, or more efficient for granted. AI-powered search engines scour volumes of information at an incredible speed to provide the results we want near the top of the list. It’s the chat bots who help schedule our product returns and the spam filter cutting down the clutter. At Dell Technologies, we leverage AI across our business in ways that have become second nature; streamlining operations for us, our customers, and our partners.

Confident AI requires continuous improvement

AI is not a destination. There is no such thing as an AI endgame. Rather, AI is a combination of techniques and technologies that turns data into fuel to help organizations make better decisions, faster. And it requires continuous attention and investment to get it right.

That’s why we’ve spent years creating a vast ecosystem of companies and organizations who are leaders in the AI space. Our partnerships with Intel, NVIDIA, and AMD, as well as other AI industry pioneers like cnvrg.io, VMWare, Red Hat, and H2O.ai, to name a few, are helping customers realize that the AI journey doesn’t have to happen alone.

Wherever AI needs to happen, from core to cloud to the edge, and regardless of where you are in your AI journey, we’ve got the solutions, products, services, and expertise to help you get it done.

Click here to learn how Dell Technologies is helping customers use artificial intelligence to accelerate intelligent outcomes everywhere.

Mariah Petrovic

About the Author: Mariah Petrovic

Mariah Petrovic was formerly involved in AI messaging for Dell Technologies Infrastructure Services Group (ISG).