Looking for Dell Data Center Products? Talk to a VAR

I see evidence every week that Dell's channel business for IT products is growing.  Today there was an article by Patrick Seitz in Investor's Business Daily on the progress we've been making with our channel programs.  

But even more importantly (to me anyway), are the internal discussions and the willingness for people to engage channel priorities – even though the culture at Dell historically has been for direct sales.   People here are sincere about learning new approaches to their traditional, comfortable direct ways of working. They are taking risks.

I haven't been at Dell very long, but I'm finding a culture of people who are smart, care a lot and are willing to change.  I'll be honest with you, it's not what I expected.  I expected to find inertia and bureaucracy, but its nothing like other large companies I've worked for. This company is a lot more nimble than I thought.  

If you think you need more help figuring out how to get your IT projects done, we'd love to help you connect with one of our channel partners who can give you the service level you are looking for.  We'll be supporting them as best we can. 

About the Author: Marc Farley