Hague Medical Centre

Last month, my team had the pleasure of visiting the offices of Hague Medical Centre, one of the largest clinical hospitals in the Netherlands, with approximately 800 beds and almost 3,000 employees.

With expanding responsibilities, the digitisation of patient records and changes in legislation, the hospitals data storage requirements were increasing faster than its IT infrastructure could scale. Cees van der Meiden, automation manager at the Hague Medical Centre, explains: “Various hospital departments need more storage space as they embrace digitisation. In addition, the government requires that we now store medical data for up to 15 years, so we had to make significant changes to our infrastructure.”

The following v-log gives an insight of the challenges the hospital was facing, how Dell consultants helped to meet these challenges and the benefits gained.

Some key benefits outlined includes:-

  • Infrastructure deployed in three months with little downtime
  • Backups performed approximately 50 per cent faster
  • Patient records accessed more easily
  • Space requirements cut by around 33 per cent and energy costs reduced with smaller SAN
  • Capacity increased by around 200 per cent
  • Collaboration between departments and other hospitals boosted

“We’ve tripled our storage capacity, which is essential for the hospital. We now also have a platform to develop a closer relationship with other hospitals – working smarter with shared resources.”

Read more about Hague Medical Centre.

About the Author: Kathy Mahady