Fedora’s MirrorManager now with Internet2 lookups

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With thanks to Ken Tossell for some critical information, Fedora's MirrorManager now tries to direct Internet2 clients to Internet2 mirrors.  N.B. when I say Internet2 here, I mean Internet2 and all the high speed educational and research networks that peer directly with Internet2, such as GEANET2.

Basically, the yum client lookup order now is:

  1. mirrors in the client's netblock (no change)
  2. mirrors on Internet2 in the same country, if the client is on Internet2
  3. rest of the mirrors in the same country (no change)
  4. rest of the mirrors in the same continent (no change)
  5. rest of the mirrors in the global list (no change)

It turns out that because Internet2 peers with several fast networks in other geographies, roughly half of the listed mirrors are available over I2.  I2 networks/peers account for ~5% of the total IPv4 address space.

I'll be presenting MirrorManager at OLS in July.

We're always looking for more mirrors, especially in parts of the world where we have few (see the map).

About the Author: Matt Domsch

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