Dynamic Product Pages on support.dell.com

A recently added feature to the Support.dell.com site, the Dynamic Product Pages function, is a key addition as we work to keep customers current and updated on your products. With these pages, we’ve really tried to centralize as much support information as possible and make it more intuitive to find what you need.

From these pages, you have access to frequently asked support questions, issues and hot topics that we’re hearing from customers along with the the specific responses/resolutions recommended by the Dell support team. The topics featured are unique to each product line and are dynamically driven and updated on the pages real-time based on the recurring issues that have high call rates.

How do I get to this page? Click here, select a product and model name from the drop-down list (or enter a service tag).

Recent enhancements include:

  • A streamlined layout designed to facilitate help you solve specific Technical Support or Customer Service issues. This redesign incorporates elements of focus group and usability testing
  • An advanced search box to make it easier to find information you’re looking for
  • Left-hand navigation that highlights key tools and solution centers (Wireless, Security, Windows Vista, etc.)
  • Configuration details for your specific system at time of purchase (if you enter a service tag); From that same page, you can also see warranty information on the Service Contracts and Warranties tab

How do I get to this page? In the US, click here, select a product and model name from the drop-down list (or enter a service tag).

These dynamic product pages are also available in Canada and parts of Europe (France & Denmark), Latin America (Argentina & Brazil) and Asia Pacific (Malaysia & India). Targeted implementation for rest of the world is scheduled for mid-2007 timeframe.

About the Author: Todd Penner