Dell IdeaStorm is Not a Digg Competitor

Since yesterday’s blog post, the blogosphere reacted. Jeremiah Owyang and Marshall Kirkpatrick at Techcrunch both thought Dell IdeaStorm is a step in the right direction. However, some folks like Pete Cashmore at Mashable have said we’re potentially creating another “Diggstorm in the making.”

To Pete and to other fans out there—we’re fans too and think the folks at Digg have done a great job bringing an intuitive and useful voting model to the blogosphere. In our view, the voting functionality enhances what Dell IdeaStorm offers our customers. Voting provides an efficient way for our customers tell us what ideas they think are most important. That’s why voting is part of IdeaStorm.

Dell IdeaStorm is not a news
site. Its purpose is to allow customers to voice and discuss ideas that they’d
like to see. We are not building a Digg competitor and have no intention
to do so.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca