American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Results

I know everyone’s attention is rightfully focused on the battery recall, but wanted to get this post out there in conjunction with the release of the latest results from the University of Michigan ACSI study. Recent stories by Bloomberg and BusinessWeek discuss the results in more detail. Yesterday, I blogged about Dell’s internal survey process. While we all use differing methodologies, it is good to see some forward movement: according to the ACSI results, our overall score improved 5.4% from the survey a year ago. By our internal numbers, we’re starting to see some improvements as well… call transfers are down about 45% since Q4; since Q2 last year, the number of incoming technical support calls is down 13 percent, even as the installed user base has grown. This means we’re getting better at resolving issues the first time. All of this is encouraging, but we recognize that we still have a ways to go.

This is an uncharacteristically brief post for me, but I wanted to make sure and get this info in your hands. At this moment I am actually on the other side of the world visiting my colleagues in Asia. We will spend 3 days in Penang, Malaysia reviewing the current plans for improving the overall customer experience, sharing best practices and determining what we should work on next. Penang hosts a large manufacturing facility that builds systems for most of Asia including Japan and Australia and points in between. I will also be in Singapore where we have several Design Centers as well as Asia Corporate Headquarters. Our Asia teams have been making steady improvements in overall customer service. At Dell, we always feel it is important to learn from the groups that are doing well and help transport that info to teams who may be further behind.

About the Author: WW Customer Experience