Customer Service 2.0

Since we launched Direct2Dell last year, one of the common questions I get from folks who want to talk to me is this: “Did Dell start this blog because of Jeff Jarvis?” I get that question even more since we sat down over drinks for a chat with the man himself. The real answer is that he was part of the reason, but more importantly, he was a sign of a bigger problem for Dell. Jeff’s situation was an indicator that our customer service for home users in the United States needed to improve drastically. Many people here at Dell understand that, and we know that we still have quite a ways to go.

Dick Hunter, our VP of Customer Experience and Support is one of those people. Earlier this week, he talked to the folks behind the Service Untitled blog. They posted an excerpt of the overall interview as well. So why am I mentioning all this? Next week, Dick will blog about some of our ongoing plans to improve customer service, and the IdeaStorm folks are
preparing an Ideas in Action update on a few of the customer service ideas,
which will include a request for your feedback

Bottom line: there’s some interesting stuff coming in the area of customer service.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca