• 什麼是數位轉型?




    What is a cloud native platform?

    A cloud-native platform abstracts cloud-based infrastructure so that applications running on the platform can be infrastructure unaware. The platform provides a contract between itself and cloud-native apps to run them with the required services, predictably and reliably.

    What is software as a service (SaaS)?

    Software as a service runs applications on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through either a thin client interface, like a web browser (web-based email), or a program interface. Consumers do not manage the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities.

    什麼是基礎架構即服務 (IaaS)?

    基礎架構即服務 (IaaS) 可讓您隨需存取 IT 基礎架構。當中包括執行工作負載所需的儲存、網路和運算資源。身為企業使用者,您隨時可以視需要要求提供 IT 服務,而且只需依服務用量支付費用。

    什麼是平台即服務 (PaaS)?

    平台即服務 (PaaS) 是一種雲端環境,方便您用來開發、測試、執行和管理其上的應用程式。您無須花時間購買、建置或是管理底層的基礎架構,透過此方法直接就能獲得所需的開發環境。因此,您可以更快地投入工作並推出應用程式。

